Journals-Beads 21-2009

beads journal 21 2009
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Beads 21 (2009)

Twenty Years of The Bead Forum: Newsletter of the Society of Bead Researchers (1982-2002), compiled by Karlis Karklins
The Bead Forum was initiated in 1982 to facilitate communication between bead researchers. Over the years it has provided news about the society, announcements of relevant exhibitions, conferences, and recent publications, requests for information, memorials, and short articles and news items on various aspects of bead research. The two latter contain much useful information that is, unfortunately, not readily available to many researchers who do not own the set or have forgotten what is in the earlier issues. Furthermore, few libraries and museums have full sets in their collections. To resolve this situation, a broad selection of the articles and other items that appeared in the first forty issues are reprinted in this volume of Beads where they will be readily available in a more permanent format.

Book, Video and DVD Reviews in Volume 21
African Beads: Jewels of a Continent, by Evelyn Simak and Carl Dreibelbis (2010), reviewed by Ato Hansemo Hamela.